All the Tools from our Toolbox were tested and improved during the Workshops in our Learning Teaching Training Activity from 17 to 21 May 2022 in Salzburg.

You want to take a look at what had happened during our workshops to get a better idea? Follow the button below!

The tools can be used individually or within four/five days, always refering to the experiences made in the previous tool. The fifth day is optional, depending on the group, if they want to show what they have experienced to their families, friends, etc.

DAY 1: Show Time: → to prepare a performance, including script, video shooting, sound, and lighting.DAY 2: Theatre and Sport → to act during a performanceDAY 3: Zines → how to publish OFFLINE to disseminate the performance.DAY 4: Web Tools → to publish ONLINE to disseminate the performance.DAY 5: Show the performance (optional)